Love Letter Weddings Blog | Tips & Inspiration

We absolutely love sharing our knowledge of the industry! It all stems from feeling passionate about weddings and always wanting to set our clients up for success. We know that planning a wedding for the first time can be daunting, so we thought we’d help you out a bit.

Weddings Louise Moriarty Weddings Louise Moriarty


At Love Letter Weddings, we absolutely love it when fellow industry professionals get married!! Not only do they totally get what is involved in pulling everything off, but they also have tons of industry friends who pitch in to make the day a success! It makes for such a personal event full of love. This couple chose a super fun venue, the Waikiki Aquarium. We decorated the tables with fairy lights, homemade jars of pickles and preserves and rustic wood boxes full of gorgeous king protea. The Mexican style feast (that the groom prepared himself) was served family style. After dinner everyone got on the dance floor and danced the night away to a Jawaiian Reggae Band. We totally love how all these super random elements came together to create the perfect event for this couple!

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